Leonard Durso

I’m an expat American, originally from New York, living and working in Turkey since 2008. I’m a writer/educator having written in many forms over the years: over a dozen novels (6 in print), short stories in literary magazines, plays, screenplays, teleplays, advertising copy for radio, and newspaper columns for a Turkish mewspaper as well as poetry on my blog. I have an MFA in Creative Writing from Bowling Green University in Ohio and a second MA in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) from Columbia University in NYC.



I’ve led an eventful life: created &/or administered language programs in five different colleges/universities in both New York and Istanbul, worked with underprivilefed kids from center city neighborhoods, managed retail stores and a warehouse, sold vacuum cleaners, read scripts for MGM Studio, acted in plays, worked as a consultant/coach for Turkish businesses, and  owned the now defunct literary bookstore Intellectuals & Liars in Los Angeles.

Oh yes, and once upon a time was a professional boy scout so am pretty good at starting campfires, getting lost in forests, pitchng a tent, and am trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, and so on.

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